EVE is currently open to the game player 16 categories 380 kinds of skills, a total of 4 million skill points, they are:

• 7: army management skills in managing your game game player group, including a variety of skills Legion or alliance need to involve.

• UAV 19 skills: an unmanned aircraft can be controlled, with fast speed, features flexible, they will be your right-hand man on the battlefield. Here the skills will enable you to master the manipulation of a variety of UAV, improving the fighting efficiency.

• electronics 21 skills: electronic technology is widely used in the space age, regardless of fly-by-wire flight control system or electronic countermeasure combat combat ships, no electronic engineering technology figure. Master of electronic technology, make you more dominant in battle.

• engineering 19 skills: it reasonable for ship structure you? It can be in by the cross fire strike to give you enough time and opportunity to turn the tide? Master these skills, you will be able to answer these questions, the more reasonable configuration you ship defense.

 • shooting learn 40 skills: EVE in many types of weapons, in addition to electronic warfare equipment and other soft killing device does not say, every kind of projectile cannon, hybrid, railguns, blaster, energy cannon etc.. It not only can make you more powerful destructive force, but also enjoy the visual, who do not want their guy looks more fierce.
      32 skills, industry: industry, the foundation of all. From big to small war, territorial expansion, power's rise need strong industrial support, it provides all the knowledge capital accumulation, manufacturing, construction, production needed for your.

      • leadership learn 14 skills: a person can have strong firepower and combat capability, but a careful organization of the players can let the enemy tremble with fear on hearing of. This will teach you the necessary skills to enhance the team, team cooperation ability.

      • mechanics 32 skills: fighting and production accidents always happen, sent to the repair shop is the most simple way, but on the mechanics of master so you can give yourself or companion in not out of combat in the case of repair and maintenance.

      • missile launch control 24 skills: the most gorgeous bloom of fireworks in space, the use of emission makes you master a variety of missile weapon missile. Standard missiles, torpedoes, cruise missiles, missile and so on many kinds of rebound, they are strong in the sky.

      • navigation learn 10 skills: flight more quickly? More efficient energy saving? Here you want the skills.

      • science 55 skills: scientific skills enable you to master the skills of the blueprint, improve production efficiency. If you want to research tasks and various high-tech have deeper understanding, here is all you need.

      • sociology 9 skills: these skills taught you how to communicate with NPC more effectively, how to get more reward, and even let you know how those secret agent or with the pirates get their booty.

      • spacecraft control learn 60 skills: from small to large, hundreds of ships, you can free ride? These skills allow you to achieve and enhance a variety of their driving skills.

      Learn 13 skills, trade: trade is a can make people overnight riches of the industry, in a different league arms smuggling, sell high and buy low, as the saying goes, no rape is not a business, trade skill to teach you how to sell your goods freely in the vast universe, allows you to get more profit.

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