Speaking of EVE, we are not unfamiliar, recently, a new piece of information "its EVE: Avenger" hot line. In the EVE universe, game player who drove from a container full of the transport ship to support capability of logistic ships strong, from to assault ship size flexible fierce 18 kilometers long, like a huge Titan flagship moving castle. Through the collaboration of various ships, interwoven a magnificent star sonata.
     Then, when the spacecraft into a chess pawn, will be how a scene?
     What are you doing! First of all, we need the universe warships entered for the board on the star wars. A total of nearly a thousand ships involved in the field of candidates. After several rounds of screening, leaving King throne, scorpion, Tristan, disaster class battleship.

     To be produced by EVE spacecraft is modeled by a pawn, we first need to get the ship model EVE. But it also can not form a pawn, therefore, we need to add to it the last firm base. On the base of the selection, also is very exquisite, if rough with cylindrical base of tradition, not only beauty, the base contact area is too small will cause unstable center of gravity.

     Therefore, after much consideration, finally abandoned the traditional scheme, instead of using streamlined base. In fact, when designing a form 3D model designed from scratch, all imagination far beyond the beauty.

     The base with the 3D file, is only the first step in the long march. Next, an engineer also needs these models will be saved as OBJ format, careful adjustment of professional 3D printing software, communication and modification and replacement model designer (because the strength limit of some model structure has been less than sheet 0.8 mm). The next step, is the actual printing support model and components, also is the design of the red and yellow part, they will support function in the print on the way up, and the model of contact point on the triangle tip contact is convenient for later removal. Of course, in order to show the most beautiful side model, engineers need to adjust toward print pieces of files, so that the most beautiful in appearance, with a contact surface is hidden in the bottom of.

     The second step, is the choice of processing pieces. To let these high-tech ships up in the square on the board, the choice of the process in order to perfect EVE the detonation technology? No doubt, the answer is 3D print.

     3D print (i.e. rapid prototyping) is a new technology in recent years. It is based on a digital model files as the basis, using powdered metal or plastic, adhesive material, to construct the object by layer-by-layer printing mode technology. Different with the traditional process, 3D print can be extremely complex internal structure of the components of traditional processing method of production can not be achieved. It is reported, this technique has been successfully applied to the frontier and military fields, not only can print out to shoot the bullet rifle, aircraft titanium alloy frame member key and need to bear the enormous impact of the landing gear assembly is also successfully used the 3D printing technology, so that the time made aircraft achieves orders of magnitude leap.

     So generally speaking, suppose we print a 100 mm high ship model, the 3D printer will automatically be layered, to print in accordance with the superposition of each layer of 0.1 mm thickness. When the printer 1000 print all ready, we finish the model.

     This time, we choose the photosensitive resin for laser rapid prototyping (Stereo lithography Appearance Rapid Prototyping). Will need to pawn 3D file input printer production, laser will be a layer of the photosensitive resin liquid pool precise curing. The completion of a layer of the surface subsidence of 0.1 mm, and a new layer of printing on the basis of. The entire printing process lasting for a few hours.

     After the completion of this step, an exquisite pieces to shell out. Next, is to pieces with gold and silver. The painting but also a big stress, gush is too thin, the color is too light, spray is too thick, the details will be lost. After the primer is completed, we will pawn spray a layer of varnish, and then after drying, pawn even be accomplished.

     For the board, making a lot of thought. First of all, for the whole acrylic using CNC CNC technology for finishing, ensure accurate size board. But it obviously can not meet all the requirements of the board. In order to create the feeling of EVE, at the bottom of the chessboard acrylic components of printing the EVE world map. Perhaps you will ask, how to print a pattern in acrylic on? Screen mask green answer is video. The mask adhered on the board surface, and the surface with paint brush, you can leave the desired pattern on the chessboard surface.

     Imagine, two captains, sitting in the only global chess edge. In a short moment, the battleship in the small space fight. While the winner, is the only master of the sky.

     Let's enjoy the exquisite carefully EVE chess!

     "EVE Online" introduction:

     "EVE Online" by the Iceland CCP company, with great space as the background, high fusion of hard science fiction elements, showing a free virtual universe to game player. Game player driving all kinds of ship in more than through five thousand star systems, can be all kinds of activity in the game universe, including mining, manufacturing, trade and fighting game player, can be engaged in the type of activity increased with the skills of growth, even if not in the game player in the game, the game of skill training is always a. Novel design concept, become an independent school games, leading advanced technology industry, make "EVE Online" become a landmark of the online giant, ushered in a new era of online games. "EVE Online" just won the world games including GDC awards, 2012 in the network game hall of fame, and was voted one of the 100 best PC game by PC Gamer magazine's history.

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